A witch’s wand is used to invoke the element of air or fire (depending upon the tradition), as an extension of the arm used to project energy and also to designate a sacred space for magical work.
While the function of the wand is similar to that of the athame, the wand is used more for magical work concerning communication, and material action and projects, in the physical world. Use a wand to communicate an intention to the universe as the culmination of a spell.
Opal Owl wands are made using branches and other found wand like materials, including glass objects and vintage fire pokers etc.. They are embellished with crystals, feathers, cord, leather and other symbolic materials and colors to create specific energetic patterns and aesthetics to suit each wands owner. The wands are cleared and consecrated before they are sold.
Wands resonate with the fire element and the wands or staffs found within tarot. more images
What is a Wand?
Posted by Leslie Peters 0 comments
Getting Ready: Meditation Retreat
Posted by Leslie Peters 0 comments
The week before I left for my week-long meditation retreat I pulled something in my back! It was one of those oppsss I just turned the wrong way/ouch! I did a little too much at the gym kinda moments! Needless to say I was panicked thinking I would be in agony all week meditating. I tried to be OK with that, thinking, well, if my experience is physical pain then so be it, I would just sink into that, just be with the pain... But I wasn't ready to accept that as my experience quite yet.
I went in and I told him about the trip and my concerns and he encouraged me to do a double session if I had time. A double is where you do one session and then wait about 15 minutes, let your body integrate the session, and then go back in again. I had never done one before but wow, it totally did the trick! The next day I felt a bit tender but no pain. My flight, sleeping in a different bed, meditating for 7 days and then the flight home. Nothing, still no pain. I was totally fine! I really couldn't believe it. Anyone who know's me well know's how much I love Network Spinal Analysis... but this was remarkable. Clearly I have been doing this kind of chiropractic work on and off for well over 10 years for a reason! Mostly I go for reason's outside of pain or pain management, but that's another post I'll write about some another time.
I'll be posting more on my retreat soon, but wanted to share this part as it really was the perfect beginning to a more mindful and gentle approach to life!
Retreat (Strength)
Posted by Leslie Peters 0 comments
I'm preparing for a week long residential meditation retreat out of town and it's ironic how much rushing around happens just to get ready to sit quietly for a week. Realising this, as I'm spinning around packing and tying up loose ends, has really allowed me to slow down a bit. To try to be in "what is" and know that everything is fine just the way it is unfolding. The whole point of all this is to bring this mindfulness and practice into my daily life, right?!?!?! Well here goes!
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from the crow's magick tarot deck |
Inner Kindness
Posted by Leslie Peters 0 comments
Posted by Leslie Peters 0 comments
Opal Owl athame's are made using found and vintage kitchen knives and other types of blades. They are embellished with crystals, feathers, cord, leather and other symbolic materials and colors to create specific energetic patterns and aesthetics to suit each athames owner. The athame's are energetically cleared and consecrated before they are sold.
Custom athames and other healing tools are available as well. To see more images click HERE
Please contact leslie@opalowl.ca for more info.
Posted by Leslie Peters 0 comments
Crystal Gift Consultations
Posted by Leslie Peters 0 comments
Crystal Programming Workshop
Posted by Leslie Peters 0 comments
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image courtesy of Rob Lavinsky, irocks.com |
Please bring a clear quartz crystal (or purchase one at Wonderworks before the workshop), a notebook and all your crystal questions.
$10 per person - contact
leslie@opalowl.ca for more information.
Awaken your Crystals: Worshop
Posted by Leslie Peters 0 comments
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image courtesy of Rob Lavinsky, irocks.com
Posted by Leslie Peters 0 comments
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image courtesy of Rob Lavinsky irocks.com |
- over active mind
- excessive worry / fear
- hyperactivity
- insomnia due to stress
- You need to come into resonance with the stone.
- To be immersed in the stone's frequency.
- Working with a Crystal Resonance Therapist who will bring you into full resonance with the stones energy.
- Use an elixir, in the bath, take drops
- Keep your system in alignment with the crystal's frequency.
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Posted by Leslie Peters 0 comments
Posted by Leslie Peters 0 comments
We are all getting a bit stir crazy and it’s time to let some of those winter habits slip into the past. Amethyst to the rescue, this seemingly mundane stone is a classic for helping with addictions of all kinds. Don’t let this beauty pass you by, it's great at cleansing spaces, keep it nearby when you are ill to shift and clear that energy. Carry a piece with you while you quit that “thing” that’s no longer serving you; a person, an addiction or an affliction (only you know what's not working for you). Let this lilac gem support you as we shift seasons and welcome the increasing light!
Gearing up for a cleanse, a detox or a shift in lifestyle? The spring is the perfect time to do it! Book a session and allow yourself to be supported energetically though this process. Release and clear whatever it is that’s no longer serving you!
As a bonus all new and returning Opal Owl clients who book sessions this month will receive a 25% discount per session when they book 2 or more sessions in a row. (Sessions need to be booked in advance and within one month of each other). Take advantage of this great offer and email today to book your appointments.
Allow for new beginnings, the winds of change and transformation are upon us and the sweet energy of amethyst is supporting you.
Leslie Peters
- Reiki Practitioner and certified Crystal Resonance Therapist™
image courtesy of irocks.com