Getting Ready: Meditation Retreat

The week before I left for my week-long meditation retreat I pulled something in my back! It was one of those oppsss I just turned the wrong way/ouch! I did a little too much at the gym kinda moments! Needless to say I was panicked thinking I would be in agony all week meditating. I tried to be OK with that, thinking, well, if my experience is physical pain then so be it, I would just sink into that, just be with the pain... But I wasn't ready to accept that as my experience quite yet. 

With two days before I was even leaving I was already planning my painful demise. I was certainly not in the present moment. So then I sat, and remembered I had an appointment with my chiropractor the very next day. It would a least help a bit right? Well it more than helped, Dr. Leo really, really helped me, I mean REALLY! 

I went in and I told  him about the trip and my concerns and he encouraged me to do a double session if I had time. A double is where you do one session and then wait about 15 minutes, let your body integrate the session, and then go back in again. I had never done one before but wow, it totally did the trick! The next day I felt a bit tender but no pain. My flight, sleeping in a different bed, meditating for 7 days and then the flight home. Nothing, still no pain. I was totally fine! I really couldn't believe it. Anyone who know's me well know's how much I love Network Spinal Analysis... but this was remarkable. Clearly I have been doing this kind of chiropractic work on and off for well over 10 years for a reason! Mostly I go for reason's outside of pain or pain management, but that's another post I'll write about some another time.

I'll be posting more on my retreat soon, but wanted to share this part as it really was the perfect beginning to a more mindful and gentle approach to life!


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