I'm preparing for a week long residential meditation retreat out of town and it's ironic how much rushing around happens just to get ready to sit quietly for a week. Realising this, as I'm spinning around packing and tying up loose ends, has really allowed me to slow down a bit. To try to be in "what is" and know that everything is fine just the way it is unfolding. The whole point of all this is to bring this mindfulness and practice into my daily life, right?!?!?! Well here goes!
from the crow's magick tarot deck |
I've been pulling a tarot card each morning for daily reflection and have had a whole host of wand cards show up in the past two weeks, action and fire. I have been busily using that force to get my shit together! Yesterday I pulled a card to help me frame the retreat, it was the Strength card (Leo). This card makes me think about balance; accepting one's wildness and harnessing that power so it can work for, instead of against. The Maiden and the Lion come together. As said on aeclectic.net "Strength is about combining two strengths to overcome weakness... putting these two strengths together creates perseverance, personal honor, and courage". The Shambhala path is the path of the warrior, its about being fearless to be who you really are and then holding that in a place of tenderness, kindness and compassion. This is the most courageous act I know, this is Strength.
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